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Tony sat back in bed, trying to comprehend what exactly it was that she had just told him. Three simple words which had obviously been replaying themselves in his wife's mind over and over for the past day or so.

"Happy Fathers' Day"

Three simple words that individually could mean some things so simple; yet when put together could mean something so entirely different, something so new, something so complex. Three simple words which could change his life, his marriage, and himself; drastically.

Kate sat back, giving her husband some space as she watched the meaning behind those three simple words come to light to him. She watched as he blinked a couple of times, before looking straight back at her again. And then she watched as he sat up slowly. Could it be? Could it really be; that the man she loved was running from this change that had come up unexpectedly? Could it be; that the man who had promised her forever was running from the near perfect life she'd thought they'd been living together?

His voice broke through her private thoughts; her private fears.

"Fathers' Day." His voice was questioning, as he took her into his arms, her small, delicate frame sitting Indian style on his lap.

"Yeah." She paused, running her fingers through his hair gently. "I'm pregnant Tony."

"You made me breakfast and you said Happy Fathers' Day because you're pregnant." He whispered clarifying what she had just told him minutes ago just one more time. He had to be certain.

She leaned into his embrace that little bit more and nodded, confirming that what he had heard was absolutely right.

He tilted her chin up, forcing her to face him, showing her his million dollar grin, showing her that it was all going to be alright, showing her that he was absolutely ecstatic about her news.

"So that was why you were so distracted yesterday, why you kept making trips to the bathroom while you thought that no one had noticed, why you paled when Abby confirmed that the petty officer in our case was pregnant and why you threw up after just a whiff of your favourite Chinese food?"

She simply nodded, causing all his worries over the last two days to disappear. He took her lips into his gently, showing her with just one simple gesture; the passion he had for their marriage, the excitement he now had for the coming months and the love which he could only ever have for her.
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