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"Ducky. Got anything for me?" Gibbs said as he walked into autopsy.

"Bad news Jethro." Ducky said as he looked up to greet his friend. "My tests show that our petty officer had increased levels of oestrogen in her system. She was definitely pregnant."


"I'm quite sure. If she was she could've only been around two months. She definitely knew by then."

"Anything about her killer?"

"Not yet Jethro. Sent some blood samples up to Abby for analysis."

"Thanks Duck." Gibbs said as he left the room. He reached for his cell and called Tony.

"DiNozzo here."

"You, Kate and McGee; meet me in Abby's lab now."

"Yes boss." Tony said quickly as he hung up the phone.

"McGee! Kate! Boss wants us down at the lab pronto."

McGee got his weapon and went down to the lab first. Tony and Kate chose to take the stairs. Of course by now everyone in the team had already figured that the newlyweds just wanted some time alone for those precious few minutes each time.

"Can you tell me now?" Tony's curiosity got the better of him as they walked down the stairs to Abby's lab holding the others hand.

"Tony... I will tell you tonight. That was the deal." Kate continued trying to put off telling him about their Fathers' Day surprise. Plus she figured that if she could just put off telling him for another day she would be able to tell him on Fathers' Day itself. She still wasn't sure how he was going to react but her heart told her that what they had, no one else would ever experience and he wasn't going to be leaving her anytime soon.

"Aww... come on Katie! Please?" Tony was driving himself crazy thinking of the possibilities behind Kate's strange behaviour.

"Tony... come on. They're probably already waiting for us in the lab. You remember what happened the last time we took too long to get down there don't you?" Kate smiled as she remembered.

Of course Tony remembered what had happened. It wasn't really the kind of thing that anyone would forget overnight. It happened about two months after they had gotten married.

Gibbs had just called the bullpen to tell all three Special Agents to meet him in Abby's lab to get some results. Just for a change Tony asked Kate to walk down the stairs with him instead of taking the elevator down to meet Gibbs with McGee. Tony had of course taken the opportunity to give Kate another one of his kisses that could make Kate melt at her knees any day of the week.

"Tony! We're at work! Gibbs is going to find out for sure! I swear that he knows everything that goes on in this building."

"Right Kate... like you'd rather be running down to Gibbs in the lab. If I had known that you liked him that much I never would have married you." Tony said smiling.

"Eww Tony! Gibbs?"

"You know I'm kidding Katie." Tony laughed and started giving her a stream of soft kisses. At this moment Kate gave up resisting. After all... what were the chances of Gibbs-

"DINOZZO! KATE!" Gibbs hollered up the stairway; "DiNozzo! If you still want your job you had better stop kissing your wife and get down here!"

"Damnit!" Tony swore under his breath still holding onto Kate. "Probie must have told him."

Kate just laughed. "What did I tell you? We better get down there." She took Tony's hand and quickly led him down to the lab where they were greeted by Abby doubled over laughing and both McGee and Gibbs smirking at them.

It certainly was something you didn't just forget.
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