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Author's Chapter Notes:
Kate , Tony, McGee and abbey have waited ll their lives for these moments.
Kate sat on her couch cradling baby Allegra and baby Antonio. "Daddy will be home soon" she said softly. She cuddled Allegra as she started to cry.
"Shhh don't cry honey Shhh" Kate felt she was the luckiest woman on earth, a gorgeous husband, 3 beautiful children, a beautiful house and the best friends she could ever have.
"You can bring Alexandra in here now Abs!" Abbey, Kate's best friend in the entire world came in cradling yet another child softly in her arms. "You're a natural Abs!" Kate smiled.
"I hope so, I told Tim yesterday about the baby!" she said excitedly.
"Good for you!" She congratulated, she was so happy abbey could finally be as happy as herself. Alexandra planted herself next to her mother and cuddled into her shoulder and fell soundly asleep.
"Oh my god that's so sweet" she whispered so as not to wake the sleeping child.

Tony walked in and smiled at the children and took Antonio from Kate's protective arms and tossed him gently into the air and caught him again. His shirt rippled as he caught the baby. Kate bit her lip, they had children now she had to control her deep feelings to just jump on top of him and kiss him until she could no more. Abbey took Alexandra and placed her in her crib, she was tall now her brow lock falling down on too Abbeys back as her head drooped sleepily. When Abbey came back down the stairs she walked into her bedroom and changed the sheets on hers and Tim's huge four poster bed. She and Tim lived With Kate, Tony and the children. She loved every moment of it; she spent a lot of time minding Kate's children whilst she was in work. She loved kids and was finally glad she would soon have one of her own.

She was 8 months into a pregnancy that seemed as if it had lasted about 12. The day of her Childs birth loomed closer. She was so excited, would be a girl or boy, would it have her or Tim's eyes? There were so many questions that could not be answered but soon would be. She took Allegra and cuddled her softly she walked up the stair into Tony and Kate's room and placed her in the crib now all the children were in bed all they had to wait for was Tim.

Tony had just come down from tucking in Antonio. He walked over to Kate and sat down close to her. He ran his hand down her thigh slowly then came back up closer to her crotch of her jeans. She shivered with excitement and the hushed him as Tim walked in from the office with Gibbs and Ducky who had been invited for dinner. Gibbs walked over with his new wife and kissed Kate on the cheek and gave her a hug. He was like a father to her. Always protecting her from danger just like Tony always was. They both loved her but love of a very different type. Gibbs of a fatherly love, Tony more of a husband protection love, but also a spiritual love that could never be destroyed. He winked at Gibbs wife Jenny. She had long burning lock of red hair bright green eyes and a dazzling smile and was like an angel to Tony. He had very much respect for her. He leaned over and kissed Kate on the lips, they brushed tongues lightly then stopped it was only a short kiss but for Kate it felt so long and meaningful. Tony loved her and she knew it.

"Well then what's for dinner DiNozzo and you better be cooking it not Kate!" he smiled.
"Are you sure boss ask them, I might poison you!" she joked
"I'm sure your cooking's fine Tony that might be because I had a blocked nose last time I tried it but hey!"
Everyone in the room laughed and the atmosphere immediately felt a lot happier and lighter.
"Who's for Chinese?" Tony said.
"DINOZZO!" Gibbs shouted.
"Ye boss!" he cowered.
"I'm in!" he laughed
After they had all finished there food they sat in the lounge and ate ice-cream which was Abbeys favourite at the moment. Tony had Kate sit on his lap and they toasted "TO THE BEST OF FRIENDS!!"
"TO THE BEST OF FRIENDS" the whole room chourused.
The babies started to cry.
"Not again Kate sighed.
"OOOOWWWWWWW" Abby shouted. McGee looked horrified as Abbey keeled over in pain.
Abbey stood up again "Im contracting" she yelled "I NEED TO GET TO A HOSPTAL" she let out another earsplitting yell.

Will the baby be ok?
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