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Story Notes:
In my world Kate was only injured and Ziva is on the team too. The tateness doesn't begin until a few chaps in, but there will be slight reference. I haven't written NCIS fanfiction in awhile, my friend threatened me to make me write this, hehe. Thanks to Kate for making me write this! This ones for you girl!
Author's Chapter Notes:
Kate's got a dirty little secret. What is it? She's being stalked! But by who and how far will he go to get what he wants.

Disclaimer: I own absolutely nothing. They don't belong to me and will be returned ASAP.
Kate sat stiffly at her desk as she read the email the seventh time over. She'd tried tracing it, but her attempts had been unsuccessful. She thought of asking Abby to run it, but that would mean spilling her dirty little secret.

"What is that?" Kate heard the newest agent ask and she immediately closed the email.

"None of your business Ziva," Kate snapped irritably.

Ziva just shook her head and looked at Tony. He smiled, always amused that the two could never get along. It wasn't like his and Kate's playful bantering, Kate really disliked Agent David.

After Ziva stalked off over to Tony's desk, Kate re-opened the email and re-read it yet again.

Dear Sweet Katie,

I do hope your headaches have gone away. Have the nightmares stopped Sweetie? I still here you talking in your sleep babe. Must have been hard, you almost died on that rooftop, didn't you. And then the new agent takes your revenge away. Poor, poor Katie. She bugs you, doesn't she, Katie. I've seen the way you treat her. Don't worry Katie, if you don't like her, I can get rid of her for you. Do you want me to get rid of her? Just let my know, my little cabbage, and I'll take care of everything.

Love Always
If you don't know by now
You'll never find out

Kate winced when he mentioned the rooftop. As discreetly as she could, she ran a hand over the small scar on her forehead. The bullet had hit her at an angle, causing it to bounce off her skull. Three weeks later, when she woke up, she'd had hallucinated that she wasn't the one hit. It had been Tony, they told her she'd screamed his name over and over. The fracture in her skull had caused it.

She ran her eyes over the email one last time, she knew she should warn Agent David, but dismissed the thought. It was just a harmless prank.

An IM appeared on her computer screen

Watchin-you101 says: Hey Sweetie

Kate1 says: Who r u?

Watchin-you101 says: You're the agent, figure it out. What about my proposal? Want me to get rid of David?

Kate1 says: NO!

She logged off her messenger service and noticed her heart was beating rapidly in her chest. Was he really watching her? The ringing of a cell phone interupted the quiet bustle of the bullpen. Ziva and Tony both reached for their cell phones, but it was Kate's.

"Agent Todd," she answered politely.

"My little cabbage, didn't you know it's impolite to log off without saying goodbye?" a mechanical sounding voice crackled over the phone.

"I'm going to have to let you go now," Kate told him rudely and went to hang up.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," the voice told her. Kate lifted her arm slightly to signal the other agents, deciding it was long past the stage of secrecy. What would be the point. As she lifted her arm, the voice stopped her, "Don't you dare signal your fellow agents Katie."

Kate's eyes panicked as she quickly lowered her arm, surveying the vast room. Dozens of agents were on the phone, she looked at each one in turn, none of them seemed to be holding anything to alter their voice, but a device could easily be disguised.

"That's right Katie, I'm watching you," he told her, "Well babe I gotta go. Love ya."

A silence echoed over the line.

"Tell me you love me or I'll open fire!" The voice threatened angrily.

"Love you," she forced out and the caller hung up.

Shutting her phone, she finally noticed Tony and Ziva staring at her strangely, "What?!" She asked testily.

"Who was that?" Tony asked curiously, Kate's side of the call seemed tense.

"It was..." for a moment she was tempted to tell them, but she remembered that the man was somewhere in the vicinity, "...nothing."

"Are you sure?" Ziva pressed, her skills told her Kate was lying.

"I'm sure," Kate replied in a neutral, almost kind voice, "I'm going to get a coffee, you want one, Tony, Ziva?" Tony looked at her and raised an eyebrow. Kate was at most civil to Ziva during a case, but never kind.

"That sounds well," Ziva told Kate with a odd look.

"That sounds good," Tony corrected upon instinct.

"Right," she blushed a little at her mistake. She hadn't made one in awhile and usually she could expect a sneer from Kate. She didn't blame her, the agent was shot in the head, out for nearly a month and wakes up only to find she was replaced. The doctors had told them that she wouldn't wake up, they didn't think she'd be coming back. However when Kate woke up, Gibbs gave her back her spot of the team and allowed Ziva to stay on. Ziva had hoped they could become friends, but that didn't seem to be happening.

Kate didn't say anything, only forced a small smile. If she was going to (even if unitentionally) going to put Ziva in danger, she might as well be nice to her. And maybe then the man would rethink his plans.

"Alright guys, did you get all the paperwork done? We still don't have a new case, so that's what we'll be doing for awhile," Gibbs informed them as he entered the room with McGee on his heel.

Tony groaned and Ziva let out a short laugh. Kate simply headed to get the coffee, making a note to get Gibbs and McGee one too.

Upon returning, holding a tray that held multiple cups of coffee, she heard Ziva's voice as she came into the bullpen.

"Who are you?!" her voice sounded confused, but not frightened. Although agents didn't usually frighten easily.

"You're going to, are you? You're going to do that why?" a pause then,"Who wants you to? What...." then silence.

"What's going on?" Kate asked Ziva as she passed her a coffee, but the new agent pushed it back at her, "What?"

Ziva stared at her with a mix of hatred, disgust and disbeleif, "So you asked someone to kill me?"

Kate looked as if someone had slapped her, quietly she walked to her desk, put the tray down, sat in her chair and put her face in her hands. Gibbs stared, he looked completely at a loss (which is not a common occurance). Tony looked... Kate couldn't place the emotion on his face. He looked disappointed along with a million other things and none of them were good. McGee just looked shocked.

"Oh," the small word slipped out of her mouth. She lifted her face and looked at a different agent with each word, "I did not ask anyone to kill Agent David."

"What about the phone call?" McGee questioned seriously.

"I got one too, but it was different. Someone, I don't know who, has been contacting me, watching me and he noticed that I did not particularly like Agent David," Kate explained now that she was cornered.

"Which is why she never calls me by my first name," Ziva muttered quietly.

"Tell me more about this Kate," Gibbs demanded sharply.

"I can't," Kate whispered, the other agents noticed her eyes dart around the bullpen, "He's here."

"Scrap the paperwork," Gibbs told them, "We've got our new case."

If it had been another situation, Tony would've shot his fist into the air in celebration, but this wasn't means for celebration.
Chapter End Notes:
In my world Kate was only injured and Ziva is on the team too. The tateness doesn't begin until a few chaps in, but there will be slight reference. I haven't written NCIS fanfiction in awhile, my friend threatened me to make me write this, hehe. Thanks to Kate for making me write this! This ones for you girl!
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