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Story Notes:
I watched the episode and... this happened.
Author's Chapter Notes:
She's gone but there are still whispers...
He stood stock still in the shower, letting the near scalding spray beat down on him without so much as a muscle twitching. He couldn't believe it… how? No… he knew the how. They all knew the how. When… why? Because of Gibbs? Because Ari just wanted to be the bigger bastard and do something Gibbs wouldn't do to him? Kill one of his close friends, unprovoked?

What fucked up logic was that?

And now she…

Katie, you know I'd never… you know, right? I'd never hurt you, not like…

It's ok Tony, I know. I never thought you would. Don't worry about it.

Kate… Katie… Caitlin Todd; NCIS Special Agent.


I'm so sorry, Katie. I…

He slid down to the shower floor, ignoring the water, ignoring everything.

She was dead.

"Katie," he whispered, a tear falling down through the water spray, but no sobs. Not yet.

Not here.

"Tony…" Gibbs.

Tony blinked, looked up at his boss, head cocked to the side, question in his eyes. "Come on Tony, let's get you up."

"Boss?" Tony's voice was hitched and it made Tony frown. "Why are you standing in my shower, boss?" he asked sounding for all the world like he was completely unaware that he was on the floor being pounded by hot water. "You know… Kate-"

They both froze.

Katie wouldn't appreciate you manhandling me, boss.

Well someone's gotta watch your back when she isn't here, don't they?

Right boss. I'll let you tell her that, alright?

Nothing she hasn't seen before, DiNozzo.

Yeah… a weird bunch, aren't we, boss?

"Up, DiNozzo. I'm taking you home."

"She's gone, boss."

"I know, Tony."

"You think she knew?"

"Knew what, Tony?"

"That I loved her, boss."

"She knew, Tony. Just like I loved her. Just like I love you… like she loved us."

"I love you too, Jethro."

"I know, Tony."

"I'm gonna miss her, boss."


I love you Katie.

I love you too, Tony, Jethro…

Sobbing into Gibbs' arms while Gibbs' hand runs up and down his back.

"Me too, Tony," he barely hears it, but Gibbs whispers it anyway. "Me too."
Chapter End Notes:
I watched the episode and... this happened.
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