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Author's Chapter Notes:
Gibbs gets a call from Jenny ...
Abby is furious with Ziva ...
And form this chapter onwards, the team are even more conviced of the truth behind ducky's story.
Ziva yawned and looked over at Jimmy. He looked tired as well.
‘We've better get to bed' She said.
‘Yeah … everyone else is and it's nearly 2am' He replied.
They got up and went over to their cabin. Once inside, they had a look at everyone. Abby was sleeping with her blankets in all directions and her pillow on the floor. McGee wasn't in his bed. He was sleeping on the bottom bunk of Abby's bed. Cate wasn't in her bed either. She and Tony were all snuggled up together in his bed. Jimmy looked away from them sadly.
‘Lucky them' He whispered and got into bed.
Ziva didn't get what he meant until she noticed how everyone seemed to have someone … but he didn't. Ziva sighed and got into bed as well. (She was wearing the same type of pyjamas as the other girls, but hers was just plain light blue).
They turned their lamps off (ever bed had a small lamp above it for personal use).
Ziva was instantly asleep. Jimmy was awake for a little longer, but than he soon fell asleep too.

6am …

Gibbs went into Cabin 1.
Abby and McGee were lying side-by-side and playing on the laptop again. Jimmy and Ziva were outside (Ziva was teaching Jimmy some Israeli). What Gibbs found disturbing was that Cate and Tony were all snuggled up in bed … Tony's bed.
‘Hi Gibbs' Abby whispered, trying not to wake Cate and Tony.
‘What's up boss?' McGee asked.
‘Obviously not them' Gibbs said and looked at Cate and Tony again. ‘If they're not up by 9 … get them up' Gibbs said and left the cabin.
Abby looked at Tony and Cate again. ‘Oh!' She got off the bed while McGee was fighting the goblins etc on the computer game. Abby got her camera out of her bag and took a few pictures of Tony and Cate. She peeked out to door. Jimmy and Ziva were laughing, so she took photos of them too.
‘McGee! Pause the game'
‘Okay' McGee paused it'
‘Look at me' Abby said.
‘Why?' He asked and looked at her. She took several photos of him.
‘That's it?' McGee sighed and was about to un-pause the game.
‘No! There's more. I want to play a joke on someone'
‘Like who?'
‘I dunno … Jimmy? I want to test Ziva's reactions' Abby smiled.
‘What are you going to do?'
‘You mean what are we going to do?'
‘We … I'm not … um … I mean (Abby was starring at him in a scary way) …yes … what are we going to do?'
‘Dunno … dack him?' Abby smiled.
McGee frowned. ‘No thanks' He said and un-paused the game.
‘Hmph' Abby said and got back onto the bed with him.

By 8am, everyone was outside playing catch (Abby's idea of course). And everyone meant everyone. Abby had convinced Gibbs to play as well. Gibbs finally agreed. But really all he did was stand there and wait for the ball to hit him in the head.

Tony opened his eyes and looked around. The bed was empty… he heard the tap in the bathroom being turned on. That answered the question of where Cate was.
‘Have a good sleep?' Tony asked her.
‘I guess' She replied in a mumble as she was brushing her teeth.
Tony got out of bed and took his comb, toothbrush etc to the bathroom as well.
Cate giggled as she saw his hair.
Cate took the comb out of his hands as gestured him to lean forward.
He did so. cate combed his hair for him while he admired her chest that he'd found himself rather close to.
‘You better not be doing what I think you're doing Dinozzo' Cate warned.
‘Hard not to … it's kinda blocking any other view' Tony grinned.
Cate finished his hair.
‘Just brush your teeth like a good boy Tony' Cate sighed.
Tony stood behind her and started brushing his teeth (He stood behind her so they could share the mirror, seeing she's shorter than him).
"Bang!" Something inside the cabin was thrown onto the ground with great force. Tony and Cate had jumped. Tony peeked out of the bathroom and saw that Abby had thrown the laptop off her bed. She was sitting there … furious.
Tony crept back into the bathroom in order to not cause anymore trouble … Abby would have no mercy on him.
‘Ouch!' Cate was trying to brush her hair but the mirror was taller … not wider.
‘Here' Tony took the brush off her and brushed her hair.
‘I brush yours … you brush mine' Cate smiled.
‘Yeah' Tony agreed and smiled back.
McGee crept into the bathroom.
‘You seen Abby?'
‘Yeah … she was just on her bed' Tony said.
‘She's not now' McGee said.
‘Well, then I dunno' Tony replied.
McGee went back outside to announce that she wasn't in the cabin anymore.
Gibbs frowned at Ziva.
‘What? She deserved it' Ziva shrugged.
Gibbs whacked her head.
‘Ouch!' She said.
‘If anyone sees her … let me know'
‘But Gibbs … shouldn't we try to find her … I mean …' McGee started to say but gave up and went to see if the laptop still worked (He was doubtful).

Gibbs heard a ringing form cabin 2. He went into it and noticed his cell phone was flashing on his bed. He picked it up and answered it.
‘Yeah … Gibbs' He said.
‘How is camp Jethro?' Jenny voice could be heard.
‘Fine … I didn't know we could get reception here' He said.
‘It's not always clear … kinda rare'
‘Ah … got a case?'
‘Jethro … no work discussions' She said.
There was a crackling noise.
‘You still there?' Gibbs asked.
‘Yes … but … loosing … you' her voice was cracked up by bad reception.
‘Abby's pissed off at Ziva'
‘To … be …expected'
‘Yeah' He replied.
‘I replaced … you … with a female … Australian … … hates boats'
‘And now you're being a bitch by pointing out that I was replaced by some female … lovely Jen' He smiled.
‘What did you call me?'
‘Good boss who cares so much about the people she works with' Gibbs said.
‘Have to go …. Reception'
‘Okay … thinking of you Jen'
‘Bye Jethro' Jenny said and hung up on him.
He looked at his phone.
‘I hate it when she does that' he said and went back outside.
‘Anyone seen Abby?' He asked.
‘No' Tony replied, coming out of the cabin with Cate beside him.
‘We need to find her' McGee said.
‘And why do you think that something's wrong or something will happen to her McGee?' Gibbs asked him sternly.
‘Um … well … she …' McGee mumbled. ‘She's Abby … and well …'
‘And you're right … we need to get here back here … Ziva … find her'
‘Ziva?' McGee asked in surprise.
Gibbs looked at him angrily.
‘No need boss … she's back' Tony said and pointed to the trees.
Abby was walking towards them, she didn't look any happier then before.
She didn't say a word to anyone. Abby walked past them and sat near the fire (not lit).
‘I think we should just leave her alone for now' Gibbs said.
‘No kidding' Tony said.
They could hear McGee getting a bit annoyed in the cabin while he tried to fix the laptop. Ziva sighed and walked toward the cabin the join him. Abby's head snapped up and she watched Ziva walking toward McGee. She got up and ran to the cabin. Abby blocked the doorway and glared at Ziva.
‘Fine' Ziva said and decided to take her place around the unlit fire. Abby went over to McGee to help him fix his laptop.

Later on that night …

McGee awoke. He wasn't sure what woke him up, but he noticed Abby's bed was empty … again. He got his torch and a blanket. Abby was sitting around the campfire.
‘Abby? Are you okay?'
‘Now that I'm away from Ziva … yes'
‘Okay … but … you look cold'
‘More like freezing McGee … but I'm staying out here'
‘It's 11:30 Abby … are you going to sleep out here?'
‘No … I'll be in soon' Abby replied and yawned.
‘Okay' McGee said. he got up and wrapped the blanket around her.
‘Thanks' Abby said and McGee smiled.
‘See you soon'
McGee went back to the cabin.
Abby watched him go, then she turned back to face the fire again.
Abby yawned.
‘I will get you back somehow Ziva … no one takes my Caf-Pow away from me … lives to tell the tale' Abby glared at the fire. Giving up, she headed back towards the cabin. On the way … she felt like something wasn't right. She looked around the campsite and trees nearby. It was only there for a second … but she saw someone running back into the trees and out of sight. Abby felt a shiver creep down her spine. she ran into the cabin screaming. ‘THERE'S A MURDERER OUTSIDE!'
She screamed at the top of her lungs. Ziva and Cate got up out of bed. Everyone else got up off the floor in which they'd fallen onto by her yells. They got their guns out and ran outside. Abby and Jimmy had to stat inside … due to not being armed. Gibbs had heard the commotion and ran out with his gun as well.
‘Where did you see him Abby?' Gibbs called.
‘I'm not going out there … I like my brains inside my head … not all over the ground!' Abby yelled at him.
‘Dinozzo … give Abby your gun'
‘Now … you can stay in the cabin if you wish' Gibbs said.
‘Fine' Tony went into the cabin and gave Abby his gun.
She poked her tongue at him and went outside.
‘Over there' She said, pointing to the place between the trees in which she'd seen the figure.
‘Well … no ones is there now' Ziva said. Abby glared at her.
‘I know what I saw' Abby confirmed.
They lowered their gun and headed back to bed. They saw ducky at the doorway of cabin 2. He was watching the place where Abby had seen the figure. Ducky looked very worried.
‘Goodnight' Everyone called to one another and got back into bed. The lights were off … and there was silence once more …
Chapter End Notes:
This ff is probably the one i've enjoyed writing the most. I have been to camp recently and thought it would be funny if ncis went camping. I apolize if the chapters are very long at times :)
Please let me know what you think.
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