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Author's Chapter Notes:
Are they in time?
Chapter Four

Two hours later, Johanssen's ramshackle house was surrounded by FBI and NCIS agents. The house appeared to be occupied, but they couldn't see inside the windows. There were a few cars and a van parked off the road, indicating a number of people were probably inside. Two men were standing outside the front entrance, smoking cigarettes and talking. Voices and laughter drifted outside, as the agents carefully closed in.

"Fornell, you in position?" Gibbs whispered into his comlink.

Fornell's voice crackled through his earpiece, "We're in position at the back entrance. Ready to go in on your mark."

"We're going to take out the two guys in front, then I'll give you the signal."

"Roger that."

Gibbs motioned Ziva to follow behind him as he crept up to the two men who were oblivious to their approach. Swiftly, the two agents surprised the men and had them on the ground, unconscious before they could react. Signaling the rest of his team to follow, Gibbs led Ziva and McGee onto the front porch. They positioned themselves on either side of the front door, guns drawn.

"Going in on the count of three," whispered Gibbs into his comlink. "One… two…three…" Gibbs kicked the door in and rushed in, followed closely by Ziva and McGee.

"NCIS!" he yelled, hearing the sounds of the FBI breaking in through the rear entrance. "Everybody down on the ground."

There were several men and women in the room, frozen in various positions, their eyes wide with shock. They started rushing around, the women screaming in fear.

"I SAID, ON THE GROUND!" yelled Gibbs, grabbing a man and throwing him down to the floor. The occupants of the room hastened to comply, dropping down to the floor, the women crying. Agents rushed in, filling the room and securing the prisoners.

Gibbs looked around anxiously for sign of his missing agent. "Ziva, McGee, check that room," he yelled, indicating a closed door. The two agents stood on either side of the door, kicking it in and then entering swiftly.

"Boss, we found him," McGee yelled.

Gibbs rushed over and entered the room.

"My God," murmured McGee.

Tony was lying on a cot, wearing a thin white robe. His hands were tied to the top rail of the bed, his feet secured to the bottom rail at the foot. He was pale, the white thread appeared vivid against his closed eyelids. His brow was furrowed, his lips moving slightly as he dozed fitfully, haunted in his sleep by the nightmare that was his reality. Faint lines of blood had seeped through the flimsy fabric of the robe, giving mute testimony to the abuse the younger man had suffered.

Gibbs moved swiftly to the cot and knelt down. He carefully placed a hand on Tony's shoulder. The agent jerked, and started struggling.

"No, please, no more." His voice was hoarse, barely above a whisper.

"Tony, it's okay," Gibbs tried to comfort the young man, but Tony couldn't hear him, reacting to the touch in fear and panic. Ziva and McGee worked quickly to release the ropes.

"DiNozzo," Gibbs yelled, grasping Tony's shoulders, hoping he could get through, but with no effect.

Finally, in desperation, Gibbs gently slapped the agent on the back of the head. Tony went still, then in a trembling voice, whispered, "Boss?"

Gibbs stroked the young man's hair and took one of his hands, holding it up to his cheek and nodding.

Tony drew in a deep, shuddering breath and began to shiver. Gibbs pulled him into a hug, holding the trembling body close, running a comforting hand along his back, mindful of the cuts and welts. "It's okay," he whispered, even though he knew Tony couldn't hear him. He tightened his hold as a muffled sob rose softly from the younger man, Tony responding by clutching Gibbs' jacket tightly. "I've got you, Tony. You're safe now," he murmured repeatedly. Ziva and McGee stood off to the side, feeling helpless in their inability to offer their teammate comfort.

Gibbs drew back as the EMT's entered the room. Gently pulling Tony off the cot, he helped lay him on the gurney. He kept hold of the young man's hand as blankets were placed over his shivering body and straps were secured. Gibbs walked alongside as the EMT's wheeled Tony to the ambulance. Once inside the vehicle, he continued to hold his hand as they inserted an IV and placed an oxygen mask over Tony's face.

Gibbs never broke contact, even in the ER, until they had removed the material from Tony's ears and the agent could hear what was going on around him. Even then, Gibbs refused to leave the room, speaking softly and comfortingly, as they treated the young man.

The doctors chose to sedate DiNozzo when it was time to remove the stitches. They didn't want him struggling and injuring himself unintentionally. The procedure to remove the stitches was a delicate one, and any sudden movement could cause the doctor to slip and damage the young man's eyes. Gibbs stayed with him until he fell asleep.


He couldn't move; something or someone was holding him down. No, definitely something - straps or ropes. He couldn't move his head either. There were blocks of wood on either side, with straps across his forehead and chin, immobilizing him. A wave of panic washed over him as he realized how vulnerable he was.

There were people around him, chanting. It would have been comforting if he weren't trussed up like a Thanksgiving turkey. He caught a movement out of the corner of his eye. The face of a man hovered into view. He tried to say something, to ask what the hell was going on, but his tongue seemed thick and heavy. A flash of light was reflected off something in the man's hand, which was coming perilously close to Tony's face. It was a needle, long and sharp and coming right at him. The man pulled his eyelid open with one hand as the needle descended.

Tony tried to beg, plead, but the only sound coming out of his mouth were pitiful whimpers. He struggled desperately, his whimpers growing into screams. The bonds holding him down were like steel. Not straps, hands... hands were holding him down. He had to fight them, break free. The needle loomed closer and closer, light reflecting off the sharp tip.

Fighting desperately, he was vaguely aware of a voice calling him. Slowing his struggles, he realized the hands weren't holding him down, they were holding him. Arms were wrapped around him, holding him close to a sturdy body. The voice was calling him, familiar, calming...Gibbs. Gibbs was there, talking to him, holding him.

Tony stopped struggling, the fear gone, the man with the needle...gone. He was safe. With a soft sigh, he drifted back to sleep, his head resting on Gibbs' chest as the senior agent gently stroked his back.
Chapter End Notes:
Disclaimer: Unfortunately for me, the characters from the show belong to someone else. No copyright infringement is intended.

A/N: Tweeter's writing again... run away, Tony, run away! Blessings upon my lovely beta Rinne, who's being inundated by the fruits of my manic writing.
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