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Christmas Presents and Family

Just as Kate and Tony pulled apart from kissing,Abby walked into the room.
"Hey Kate,Hey Tony,what are you doing here?".asked Abby with a yawn as she walked in and went into the kitchen and made coffee.
"Well I thought that I might bring your presents around".said Tony.
"Oo oo oo.What is it?What is it?".asked Abby jumping up and down like a little girl.
"Well Abby,when I give it to you,you can open it.".said Tony laughing.
"YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYY!".said Abby.Tony gave Abby her present and as soon as he did,she ripped it open.Abby opened her present to find a bracelet with Bats and dogs and goth stuff.Then Tony gave kAte her present and kissed her on the cheek.Kate opened her present to find a big box.She opened the ig box to find a smallere box,Then she opened the smaller box to find a teeny tiny box.Kate opened the teeny tiny box.Inside the lid,there was a message,It said:Caitlin,Will you marry me and Become Mrs Caitlin Todd-Dinozzo?.Kate popped the engagement ring on her finger and kissed tony meaning that she said Yes.Kate tilted her head towards Abby meaning if she could Tell her.Tony nodded.
"Um Abby,Tony and I have something to tell you.".said Kate.As soon as Kate said that,Abby stopped opening her present and looked at them.
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