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Gibbs stormed into the bullpen a Styrofoam cup of coffee in each hand. Tony looked up and cringed at the sight. Gibbs having two cups of coffee was a very bad sign. Glancing down quickly when Gibbs turned his glare on him.

Tony busied himself shuffling papers watching Gibbs out of the corner of his eye. He watched as Gibbs slammed his desk drawer. Causing a sleeping McGee to fall backwards in his chair.

Michelle rolled her eyes as McGee jumped to his feet. As Gibbs glared daggers at him. Choking back a laugh she went back to searching the data base.

Kate stormed off the elevator throwing a glare at Tony and trying not to notice how good he looked in blue. Storming over to her sister she grabbed a hand full of Michelle's hair.

"Ow! Damn it let go Kate!" she yelled as her chair typed over.

Tony sat back and enjoyed the spectacle. Michelle finally was able to get out of her sisters grip.

"What the hell is the matter with you!" she yelled rubbing her injured scalp.

"Well since I was help out NCIS and the FBI they decided that my time would be better spent here thanks to an anonymous recommendation!" she screeched in her face.

"Hey now calm down sparky I did not recommend you for anything!" Michelle said her eyes narrowing with each word.

Kate's face turned a bright pink.

"Sorry." Kate said with a sheepish smile.

"Yea, tell that to my bleeding scalp." She said rubbing that back of her head as she moved past Gibbs who for the first time all day smiled. Glaring she picked her chair up and went back to work.

McGee smiled to himself his shoulders shaking with laughter.

"McGee! If you don't wipe that smirk off your face Abby will soon find about your encounter with the mail lady." She said with a smirk

"Okay right away." He said turning around.

"Oh really Probie what happened with the mail lady?" Tony asked wiggling her eyebrows.

Kate smiled as Tony continued to tease Tim. Rolling her eyes as Gibbs started screaming at Tony to get back to work.

After working almost twenty hours straight Gibbs finally let them go home. After a long battle with Michelle and Abby who agreed to stay behind Gibbs let Kate, Tony and Tim go home.

"Boss-man come on we have not slept in almost in so long I'm tired." She said letting her head hit the table.

"Sorry Abbs." Gibbs said handing her the giant soda.

"Come on boss the FBI boss lady is a sleep on the floor." Said pointing at a sound a sleep on the floor.

"Todd!" Gibbs yelled as she woke with a start.

"What in the hell is the matter with you?" Michelle screamed.

"Gibbs?" Mike Timber said poking his head in the door.

"What?" he snapped.

"This just came for you."

Snatching the envelope from him and tearing it open. What he saw had just turned the whole investigation.

"He has Kate and DiNozzo." He said softly and watched Michelle collapse in tears
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