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Chapter 3

"Ahh, Kate. You might wanna see this." Tony yelled. There was no reply "Kate? Don't be stupid where are you? Kate" he ran outside. Where in hell had she got to? He saw her badge lying on the pavement. "Oh shit"
"He pulled out his phone and dialed Gibbs' number.
"This better be good DiNozzo. The only thing I want to talk to you about is how you caught this creep."
"We haven't Boss. I think Kate has been kidnapped"
"You ‘think' DiNozzo?"
"Yes. She was behind me one minute and the next she was gone. I found her badge on the street."
"Shit." Gibbs said, just as Tony had done. "Get back here DiNozzo. I want to know exactly what happened" and then he hung up.

In the car Tony called Kate's cell.
"Special Agent DiNozzo." The voice was deep and male. "How nice of you to call. Kate says hi."
"You touch one hair on her head and I swear…" Tony began but the voice broke him off.
"Don't you threaten me now Anthony. You don't want Special Agent Todd ending up like Commander Schofield now do we?"
"You use the word ‘now' and awful lot jackass"
"Don't call me a jackass!"
"Ok. What should I call you"
"Call me ...John"
John? Tony thought. Then he remembered

‘Yeah. We have been seeing each other for about a month now. His name is John'
Kate's voice echoed in his mind.

"Tony!" he heard Kate yell in the background.
"Kate! I'll get you back I promise" Tony shouted into the phone. He was trying not to cry. He would die if anything happened to Kate.
"Ohh, isn't that sweet" John mocked. "Well, got to go. I've got a hostage to interrogate." He hung up.
"Kate!!!" Tony yelled. He was going to find this son of a bitch and make sure his death was a ling painful one if he even looked at Kate funny.
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