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"I've got him cooling off in interrogation, he'll be fine in there for now, he thinks it's filled with blue balloons."
Tony laughs but stops when he receives one of the infamous Gibbs glares.
"Anyway, Fin I think you should go in and talk to him for a bit, after all you know him best."
"I'm not exactly his favourite person in the world, but okay."
Tony and Gibbs went into the viewing room and Fin went into the interrogation room and sat down. Tim was jumping round the room grabbing and ‘sitting on' thin air then jumping back as if startled by a bang.
"Tim what the hell are you doing."
"Popping the balloons, cant you see that? Come on, join in, it's really fun." Tim says without turning round to face Fin.
"Timmy, there are no balloons."
Tim turns round, "Who are you?"
"I'm your brother Timmy, I'm Fin."
Timothy McGee's face suddenly goes dark. He goes for Fin's throat with his hands, trying desperately to choke him. "You stole her! I trusted you! She was mine! You bastard! You had no right!!"
"It- takes—two--*cough* *cough* Timmy. It--*cough* wasn't—just---my *cough* fault. It was – her *cough* choice too." Fin says, struggling to breath.
Gibbs and Tony storm into the room. It takes both of them to detach Tim's hands from Fin's throat and hold him back. Fin was massaging his throat as he said "Abby had a part in it too you know, I didn't ask for her to like me."
"You damn well know I wasn't talking about Abby you bastard" says McGee viciously. Tony and Gibbs exchange confused looks.
"I-um- have no idea what your talking about bro." Says Fin guiltily.
"Don't ‘bro' me you bastard. You know exactly who I was talking about, Shelly."
"Okay guys your being a bit subtle here, what the hell is going on?" Tony interrupts.
"It's none of your business Tony" says Fin darkly.
"Ashamed Fin?" Taunted Tim "Go on, tell them what you did with my fiancé."
Tony desperately wanted to comment on the fact that ‘old Timmy' had been engaged but resisted due to the, to use Abby's word, hinky circumstances. Fin stormed out of the room leaving both Gibbs and Tony wondering what the hell had gone on between those two.

"You gonna explain probie."
"Don't call me probie." Replies Mcgee darkly. They were now in the squad room, McGee and Tony had been sitting there in silence for over half an hour, (Gibbs had gone to the hospital to visit Abby) it was driving Tony insane trying to figure out what the hell Fin had done that made Tim so mad.
"Sorry…Tim…so what happened?"
"The bastard slept with my fiancé, that's what."
"He told Abby that your girlfriend had cheated on you with your best friend."
"Well that could be perceived as somewhat true. Fin and I were really close at that time."
"Oh. And this whole fiancé thing, how long had you guys been engaged?"
"We'd been together three years but we'd only been engaged for three months. I thought she was the one, I went into a spiral of depression and then I-"
"Turned to drugs, I know."
"Who told you?" says McGee startled that anyone knew of his junkie past.
"Abby." Replies Tony
"Who told her?"
The demonic look that comes onto Tim's face tells Tony that he never should have bothered to say anything.
"Tim! What's wrong? Are you okay?" says a concerned voice from behind Tony
Tim looks up, "Abby, you're out of hospital?"
"Yup, the food sucks in there. Are you okay? I'm really sorry. I never meant to hurt you, or Gibbs." She says trying to give Tim a hug, he pushes her away.
"What do you say you and I let these two talk and go get lunch somewhere Kate?"
"I'm in." Says Kate, Kate and Tony leave the squad room and the awkward tension between Abby and McGee.
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