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"McGee…I told you, I'm sorry."
"It's not you I'm mad at Abs. I just can't be near you right now that's all." McGee said, not looking at Abby.
"McGee, you're not making sense…who are you mad at? Why can't you be near me?" Abby was hurt.
"It's not your fault…its him."
"Timmy!! Who?"
"Fin…what about him? Is it ‘cause I liked him? I was planning to break it off anyway, I didn't like hurting you like that."
"I told you…it's not your fault. It's Fin, there's something you need to know about him." McGee still wouldn't make eye contact.
"Tim…you're really scaring me. At least look at me."
"When I turned to drugs, it was because-"
"You're girlfriend cheated on you with your best friend."
"Let me finish…when I turned to drugs it was because my *fiancé* had cheated on me with Fin."
"Oh…um…I'm starting to understand the whole ‘beyond sibling rivalry' thing."
"I never meant to make you think you'd hurt me…but you did. I was starting to accept that you couldn't choose between me and Gibbs, but then when you said you liked my brother…well…it felt like it was happening all over again." A tear slipped down McGee's cheek.
"I'm so sorry McGee…I would never voluntarily do that to you." Abby put her arms round him. This time, he let her.
Suddenly Abby realized who she wanted to be with. She turned McGee's face towards hers with her finger and kissed him.
When they finally had to break, both of them were crying.
"I'm so sorry Tim. I love you."
Neither of them noticed that Gibbs had just entered the squad-room. Gibbs had seen them kissing and surprisingly realized that he didn't mind. He knew that Abby was better of with McGee. Gibbs turned round and left, so as not to disturb them. All he wanted was for Abby to be happy.

Suddenly McGee woke up, he panicked. Hoping beyond hope it hadn't been a dream. He rolled over in his bed and let out a relieved sigh. Lying next to him was Abby. She was awake, staring at him with pure love in her eyes.
"Bad dream Tim?" She said putting her hand up to McGee's face and running it through his hair.
"Actually Abby, no. It was a really good dream. A really good dream."
"Hmmm…what was it about? Was I in it?" She asked excitedly.
"Yes. You were in it."
"Oooooohh!! What else?"
"Gibbs was there."
"Oh." Abby looked disappointed. "Another dream where the Scooby-doo gang solve a case and you are the Velma that figures everything out."
"No Abby…it was a dream about how we got together."
"What? Massive consumption of alcohol leading to a hot and steamy night in my coffin?"
"No. Not the first time. The last time we got together, where it was me and Gibbs competing for your love."
"And you won." Abby ran her hand down his neck and pulled him towards her, kissing him passionately.
"I'm still winning." McGee said when she released him.
Chapter End Notes:
It's taken a while but the final chapter is finally here. Hope you enjoy.
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