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Gibbs slowly wakes up. His head feels like it is stuffed with cottonwool and his throat is extremely dry. He opens is eyes to slits and looks around the room. He realizes that he in a hospital bed. His chest feels tight and stiff. He moves slightly and feels a sharp pain in his chest which makes him gasp. He decides that it would be safer not to try to move again.

Just then he hears a woman sigh and moan. He turns his head and realizes that the bed curtain is drawn. He wonders who is on the other side of the curtain and why is he not in a private ward.

"Thank you Dr Grey. I will just check in on Jethro now." Ducky says as he enters the room.

"Jethro, are you awake?" Ducky asks as he approaches Gibbs' bed and sees his eyes open.

"What happened?" Gibbs asks in a gruff voice.

"You were shot?"

"Shot! How?" Gibbs frowns as he can not remember what happened.

"It was at…"

"Gibbs you're awake!" Abby shrieks as she approaches the bed and gives Gibbs a peck on his cheek. Tony and McGee follow Abby in to the room.

"How are you feeling boss?" Tony asks he comes closer to the bed.

"I'm okay. What happened and where is that new agent?" Gibbs asks as he realizes that she is not amongst them.

"Boss we were in the house at the time..." McGee was saying.

"Wait a minute McGee. Where is Leslie?" Gibbs asked again after Abby gives him a sip of water.

"I'm here Agent Gibbs." Leslie says from the other side of the curtain.

Abby stands up and draws the curtain. Leslie is sitting upright in the bed and her arm is in a sling. She looks tired and pale.

Leslie, how are you feeling?" Abby asks Leslie as she goes to her bed and gives her a hug.

"I'm okay" Leslie says. "How are you doing Gibbs?" Leslie asks with concern in her voice.

"What the hell happened to you?" Gibbs asks Leslie as he struggles to make sense of what he is seeing.

"I just took a bullet in the shoulder. But don't worry boss I'll be back on the job in a day or two." Leslie says sharply as she wonders what the hell is wrong with Gibbs.

"What ? Will one of you bright sparks tell me what is going on here."

"That's what I was…" McGee ends abruptly as Gibbs gives him an annoyed look.

"Ducky?" Gibbs asks

"Jethro, you and Leslie were shot on the front steps of Petty Officer Matthew's house. Leslie was standing behind you and the bullet passed through her shoulder and lodged in your chest." Ducky said. Gibbs looks shocked.

"If it was not for her you would have probably been dead. Boss" McGee says

"What!" Leslie and Gibbs say at the same time.

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