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"Will the two of you calm down?" Tony warns.

Gibbs looks at Leslie trying to ascertain how bad her injuries are and Leslie looks at Gibbs trying to ascertain the same thing. But to anyone observing them they looked like they are shooting daggers at each other with their eyes.

"DiNozzo will you get on with it already." Gibbs practically shouts as he looks sharply at Tony. Tony proceeds to tell them what they have figured out so far. Ducky explains their medical conditions and confirms that both of them are going to be okay but they will need some time to rest and recuperate. Both Leslie and Gibbs roll their eyes at that statement especially considering how much work they have ahead of them.

As soon as Ducky is done, Leslie starts instructing the team.

"Tony you need to process the scene and increase your perimeter search. The shooter must have had a get away vehicle and you need to find out what it was. McGee you should look into any of Gibbs unsolved or pending cases or even any cases where the perpetrators may have been released or have escaped. I had 2 unsolved cases in Seattle but I do not think that those could be related to this. Abby you need to do the DNA analysis on the cigarette butt found in Matthews's house and the one found outside. You also need to analyze the bullet that was pulled from Gibbs shoulder to the one from Matthews to see if there is a match. If there is a match it could mean that the shooter staged Matthews's death in order to lure Gibbs to the scene. Ducky we need to get the autopsy results on Matthews urgently. When I get out of here, which will probably be tomorrow I will help where ever you need me too." Leslie says.

She then notices that everyone is dead quite and starring at her and stealing glimpses at Gibbs.

"What!" Leslie asks and also looks at Gibbs.

"Are you done?" Gibbs asks in an irritated voice. He is irritated but also amazed because she issued the exact orders that he was about to issue.

"Boss?" Tony asks as he too is stunned by how Leslie just assumed the leadership roll. He is also a bit concerned as she sounded just like Gibbs.

"You heard the lady so what are you still doing here?" Gibbs shouts.

Everyone stands up and as they say their good byes they start retreating out of the room.

"We'll see you later tonight Gibbs." Abby says.

"Abby please do me a favour and bring me some clothes from my apartment." Leslie asks. Abby takes down the details and promises to return that evening with the clothes. Ducky tells Gibbs that he will bring back some clothes for him too.

Once everyone has left, Leslie realizes that she may have overstepped her authority and she tells Gibbs, "I'm sorry. I did not mean to take over like that. I guess that I was just thinking out loud."

"That's okay. But remember that everything needs to be cleared by me. I do not want anyone else in my team getting hurt." Gibbs sighs as he looks at Leslie.

"Why do you give everyone the impression that you do not care when you care a whole lot." Leslie observes.

"What do you mean? Everyone in my team is important to me and I treat everyone the same." Gibbs says defensively as he wonders how she is able to see through him in such a short time.

"It's okay Gibbs. You do not have to explain your feelings to me." Leslie says wondering why Gibbs is being so defensive.

"I wasn't planning to." Gibbs retorts.

"Fine." Leslie states as she lies down and turns her back on Gibbs.

"Fine" Gibbs says as he looks at Leslie whose back is partially revealed. He notes that her skin looks smooth, fair and soft. He imagines caressing that back and stops himself abruptly as he realizes what he is doing.

As the day progresses, Leslie listens to Gibbs who is tossing and turning continually. As she tries to ignore him she thinks about what he says verses what she senses about him. She has always had good instincts and with Gibbs she senses a deeply caring man who refuses to show his feeling as he thinks that showing these feeling will make him look weak. But Leslie thinks that if he acknowledged his feeling he would be perceived as being even stronger. She also senses a latent energy in him. She acknowledges that she finds him attractive. She has always had a thing for authoritative man who had salt and pepper hair. He also has a nice face when he is not scrowling and frowning.

"Good evening Leslie, Jethro" Ducky says as he enters their room. Ducky places Gibbs' clothes in the cupboard next to his bed and he places Leslie's clothes into her cupboard.

"Thank you, Ducky. Do you have any news for us?" Leslie asks as she smiles at Ducky. She has a lovely, full smile, Gibbs thinks even as he gets annoyed with her once again.

"My dear you are most welcome. Do you know that you are almost as demanding as Jethro here?" Ducky says as he looks at a glaring Gibbs. "This reminds me of the time…," Ducky is saying as Gibbs interrupts, "Ducky!"

"Oh alright. The autopsy revealed that our Mr. Matthew's was drugged at the time of his death. Traces of a Hallucinogen were found in his blood. Added to that the bullet wound was a single shot through the heart and he did not have a fighting chance. This looked like a professional hit." Ducky ends as Tony enters the room.

"Hi boss, Leslie, How are you two doing?" Tony asks.

"Hi Tony, I'm doing well. So what do you have for us? As I'm sure you know Gibbs has left his share of ‘patience' at home." Leslie says as she and Tony try not to laugh. Ducky also smirks as he does not know of any one who has had the nerve to make a joke about Jethro in front of Jethro. Leslie would proof to be a true gem, of that Ducky was sure. Gibbs was rattled by Leslie and for the first time in a long time he did not know what to say.

"Well mmm Boss," Tony says as he looks at Gibbs and he is instantly sobered by Gibbs' aggravated looked. "There was no forced entry into the house so Matthew's knew the person who came tot see him. There were 2 glasses on the coffee table and Abby is tracing the contents as we speak. The bullets pulled from Matthews and you are a match, so the shooter is one and the same person. Also Leslie, I did find tyre tracks about 2 miles off from the house and McGee is running it through the system to find the make and model of the vehicle they belong to."

"That's great. Ducky do you have any idea when I will be discharged from here. I would really like to get back on the job ASAP." Leslie says.

"Not at least for the next 2 to 3 days and thereafter you..." Ducky says after considering the question.

"No.." "I'm.." Both Leslie and Gibbs start talking at the same time. Shouting is more like it.

Leslie looks at Gibbs and indicates that he should speak first.

"I'm getting out of here tomorrow. DiNozzo arrange for McGee to pick me up at 9am."

"Boss I think …" Tony starts to say as Leslie interrupts, "I'll be ready at 9am as well. So Boss what's our next move." Leslie asks as she looks at Gibbs. Oh so now she wants my input. Gibbs thinks.

"There is no ‘our' next move. You will either be staying in the hospital or you will be going home. Do you understand me?" Gibbs asks with his voice slightly raised.

"If you are fit to go back to work, than so am I." Leslie states firmly as she turns to face him. The sudden movement sends a stabbing pain through her shoulder almost forcing her to squeeze her eyes and grimace as a sign of her discomfort. What is wrong with this man? Can't he understand that I need to catch the guy who shot me?

"I can not baby sit an injured agent while I have an investigation to run."

"And what about the injured special Agent Gibbs, Will he not need to be baby sat?" Leslie shouts back. Gibbs sits up higher in the bed even though it causes a sharp pain to slice through his chest. He gasps involuntarily.

"Do you see what I mean?" Leslie says as she regrets causing Gibbs the additional pain.

Will this stubborn woman not understand that I am trying to keep her safe, Gibbs thinks.

Tony and Ducky look at each other and at Leslie and Gibbs and realize that they are getting too worked up. Ducky has not missed Gibbs gasp or Leslie's slight wincing.

"Special Agent Burnett, I am your……" Gibbs pronounces each word loudly and clearly.

"Jethro, Leslie will you both please calm down. Both of you have been shot and have had surgery. You both need to take it easy until you are more recovered. And please try to remember that you are working on the same team."

"Ducky just arrange for the discharge papers to be ready and for any meds to be ready for when I leave tomorrow."

"Ducky please arrange for my stuff to also be ready. Thank you and now if you will excuse me I will take a nap." Leslie says as she turns her back on all of them.

"Oh Alright, I can see that I will not be able to talk you out of this." Ducky says as he and Tony leave the room.
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