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Author's Chapter Notes:
Duckman to the ER please!
The journey back to Washington via the back roads took little less than a half hour and Alex used the time - seated in the rear as he was with Rick to his left and Tony to his right - to at least try and heal Tony's mangled left hand. The young agent was still deeply unconscious and barely made a sound as Alex took his hand between his own and closed his eyes - breathing in calmly through his nose and out through his mouth until he could visualise the tendons, muscle and bone - and he grimaced as an impression of the pain Tony surely must have felt flittered across his mind - the hurt soon forgotten as a warm glow began emanating from his own hands - surrounding the injured one he held gently.

Gibbs watched him briefly in the rear view mirror but said nothing - grateful at least that Tony might not have to actually see the damage that had been inflicted - a glance across told him Rick was still out cold - held upright with a seatbelt until he slid sideways - his head was resting on his brother's shoulder.

Before they had left the old farmhouse - and before loading Rick and Tony into the car - Alex had had the foresight to use the web cam to record the area for evidence - much to Abby's annoyance that he'd have to blank her out for a short while even though she was protesting she wanted to see for herself that Tony was okay. Gibbs soothed her - telling her Tony wouldn't appreciate her seeing him when he wasn't at his best - but she was welcome to join him at the house later and check then - along with Nicky - Alex had an idea that he and his other brother might be able to help Ducky if need be.

"How are they doing?" Gibbs asked as Alex finally opened his eyes and let out a long sigh - shaking his head to clear it. "Still breathing - " he pushed Rick upright and against the door. "And Tony's hand - is fine."

"Thanks." Gibbs paused and then fixed Alex with a stare in the mirror. "Ducky's on his way - we'll get these two settled and then figure out what the fuck to do next."

"Next? We find Taylor - "

"Not till I make a few calls, Alex. We'll need back up - can't do this alone." Gibbs pointed out wryly.



The remainder of the journey was in silence and they were soon rolling up the drive and into the garage - the soft hum of the garage door the only noise as the car came to a stop.

"You get inside - I'll bring them in," Alex clambered over into the front seat and climbed out the driver's door as Gibbs opened Tony's door. "And get some coffee on!" He called as Gibbs disappeared through another door into the kitchen.

"On it!"

A half hour later - Ducky walked in through the front door, trilby in one hand - medical bag in the other. "Alex, dear boy - what brings you here?"

"Hey Duck - let me give you a hand." He took the bag and set it down on the coffee table as Ducky hung up his trilby and shrugged out of his coat. "Coffee?"

"Not just now, thank you," Ducky smiled. "Jethro has me very worried - where is he?"

"Where he's been since we got here - he won't leave Tony." Alex jerked a thumb over his shoulder to the stairs. "The man's beat, Duck - but he won't move."

"When I've finished with him - Jethro will most certainly move - and where is Rick?"

"Guest room - he's out of it but Tony is giving everyone cause for concern," Alex lifted the medical bag from the table and led the way up the stairs. "He's in a bad way - "

"I'll be the judge of that, dear boy - now then - let me - oh my." Ducky stood on the threshold of the main bedroom and just stared. "Anthony - what in heavens name happened to you?"

"If I told you he walked into a door?" Gibbs replied softly from where he sat in a chair, up tight against the mattress - both hands clasping Tony's right one, his eyes not leaving the sleeping man's face.

"I'd say it was more than a door - " Ducky began as Gibbs stood and moved the chair back so the ME could get a closer look at his patient. "This is terrible - who did this to him?"

"Long story, Duck." Gibbs sighed - suppressing a yawn behind his hand. "Can you do anything?"

"I can most certainly do something - mostly cuts and grazes but that gash to his temple - " He opened his bag and tugged out a pair of latex gloves - pulling them on quickly. "When did he last have a tetanus?"

"No idea - " Gibbs shrugged.

"No matter - no matter - I need to check him over - and I don't want to cause any more damage - do you think he'd mind if I cut the shirt off?" Ducky looked to Gibbs who - again - shrugged.

"I'll buy him a new one," Gibbs walked to the window to gaze out over the quiet street - smiling briefly when he saw the Labrador from a few doors down attempting to hump a rather fancy poodle - much to the disgust of the poodle's owner.

Alex walked level with the ME and took the scissors from him with a jerk of his head in Gibbs's direction, Ducky following his gaze and then nodded understanding. He approached Gibbs slowly, resting a hand on his shoulder. "You need to rest, Jethro - you'll be no use to anyone like this - get cleaned up and at least try and get some sleep - Tony will be sleeping for most of the day as it is - "

"No, Duck - I can't do that. I need to be here when he wakes up - he needs to know that no one is going to hurt him - he needs - "

"He needs sleep - time to recuperate - at a guess I would say he's probably concussed - and he will be disorientated when he wakes but he'll see where he is and know you're not far away," Ducky soothed. "But for the record - a cursory glance at his injuries - he needs a hospital."


"I know," Ducky raised a hand. "He hates hospitals - but I would be happier if I could get an x-ray of his head - just to be safe."

"No!" Gibbs turned to face the older man. "No hospitals - not yet anyway - "

"Guys!" Alex finished easing off the rest of Tony's shirt, tossing it into a nearby waste bin. "No one needs a hospital - when Nicky gets here - he and I can - get together and see if we can't help Tony - "

"You know," Ducky looked up into the so blue eyes twinkling back at him. "I have yet to see just how you three do what you for myself - would you mind if I stayed with you and watched?"

"Duck?" Gibbs looked puzzled - man - he had to be tired - he'd only just realised Alex and Ducky seemed to know each other - and quite well too by the sound of things.


"How come you - "

"Oh - I've known these three boys quite a while - it was Gerald's fault - he came home late one night after dinner with some friends - raving about some new restaurant - and insisted we try it that weekend - "

"Duck - " Gibbs began - trying to find the words. "You do know what kind of place it is - don't you?"

"Heaven's Gate?" Ducky smiled impishly. "I have a very broad mind, Jethro - although - not that broad. No, occasionally Gerald and I dine there - we enjoy the ambience, the good food and company - and the personal touch - although we draw the line at indulging in - whatever else goes on - "

"And you're welcome back anytime," Alex nodded with a grin. "But - aren't we forgetting the patient?"

"Oh my - of course."


As soon as Alex had gotten Tony settled on Gibbs's bed, Gibbs had hustled him out - telling him to check on Rick - and set about cleaning his young lover up as best he could - and it worried him that Tony didn't let out any sound as Gibbs gently washed his face - trying hard not to hurt him anymore than he already was - congealed blood was a bastard - and Gibbs hated having to practically scrape it away - hoping and praying he wasn't making things worse. His left cheek bone was cracked - his left eye puffy with a darkening bruise blossoming beneath but it was that gash on his temple - it was deep and would probably need suturing. "You're gonna hate me for doing this and I apologise in advance Tony - but I know how you are about your teeth - just don't bite me." He slid his index finger into Tony's mouth and by feel alone he checked each and every tooth - and each and every tooth was still in place - none felt loose - nothing damaged. As he leant over him, Gibbs resisted the urge to plant a small kiss on his lips - kissing a split lip would hurt like hell and right now - Tony didn't need that.

"Gibbs?" A bare whisper - Tony's eyelids fluttered open and he gazed almost unseeing at the man leaning over him.

"Hey - yeah - it's me."

"Good - m'okay - " Gibbs could only smile as Tony let out a soft sigh as he succumbed to sleep again.

"Not from this angle babe." Gibbs whispered. "You're a mess."


Ducky completed his exam of Tony, as Gibbs filled him in on what had been going on, with a small smile on his lips as he straightened up. "I think he's going to be just fine, Jethro. He'll look like he's done ten rounds Tyson for about a week - but the bruising will fade - the sutures might leave a scar too but that should fade in time - it might even be when Alex and Nicky take a look at him - they might be able to help further. But I am curious about what happened to his left hand - odd bruising there - "

"Alex did that - and it still amazes me how he did it. Taylor had his man break four fingers - before carte blanche to beat him senseless." Gibbs sat up straight - easing the kinks from his back carefully.

"In a way - I would deem it a pleasure to see this Taylor chap on my table, Jethro - sounds like a most disgruntled young man - and maybe I'd let Tony loose on him." Ducky closed his exam bag with a satisfied grunt.

"Not before me, Duck - not before me. Thanks - for everything."

"Not at all. Now I would like to check you over if I may."

"Not just now, please."

"Mm." Ducky stared at him.


"You said please, Gibbs - I don't think I've ever heard you say please."

"Extenuating circumstances, Duck."

"Ah - good point."

The front door slammed shut and footsteps could be heard pounding up the stairs.

"Gibbs!" It was Abby.

"Ssh," Ducky said with a finger to his lips. "In here Abigail - "

"Gibbs! Is Tony - " She stood at the end of the bed and gaped at the stricken agent lying before her. "Gibbs - is he going to be all right?" Her voice seemed to crack as she continued to stare at Tony. "Tell me he's going to be all right?" As Ducky placed a comforting arm around her waist, she turned and snuggled into his shoulder for a long moment - as though gathering strength from the ME who patted her back softly.

"He'll be fine, Abs - " Gibbs breathed without even looking at her.

"Someone is going to die for doing this to Tony - and just you remember - I can commit first degree murder and not leave a shred of evidence - do we have a name for the son of a bitch?"

"We do - what about the van?"

"Van?" Abby snorted. "Don't you think Tony is more important than - "

"Abigail - retribution is a good thing - but at the moment - I think Tony might appreciate a little peace and quiet - Gibbs too - they've had a rough time of it - why don't you and I go downstairs and see about this van - besides, I would appreciate a little down time with young Alexander and Nicholas - "

"Young?" Abby giggled. "Those two? They're thirty if they're a day!"

"Young to me, Abi - young to me."


As he walked to the door to close it behind the departing pair - Gibbs suddenly realised just how exhausted he was and allowed a huge jaw breaking yawn to sound as he stretched his arms above his head before retaking his seat at Tony's side.

He thought about maybe taking the other half of the bed beside Tony but decided against it - hell - he could sleep standing up if he so chose - but a well padded chair - coffee to hand - he settled in - watching his young lover and trying to prevent more yawns escaping - and it was just as well he put the empty coffee mug on the side table - three more yawns later - and he was fast asleep - and snoring.

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