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Chapter 12

“Abby McGee, you’re on the air”
“Abby, it’s Tim” he said quietly.
“Hey hun, what’s up?”
“Abby, I don’t have time to talk, just get to Mac’s as soon as you can”
“Tim what happened?” she said seriously, jumping up from her chair.
“No time to explain. Just get here as fast as you can” he said, hanging up the phone. She quickly grabbed her coat and left the office.

Abby arrived at Mac’s just in time to see a black body bag be wheeled out of the apartment. The place was swarming with cops and Abby had to squeeze past them to get to her husband. “Tim, tell me now!” she said, beginning to tear up.
“Well Abby…” he said, looking over at the body bag.
“No, she’s fine”
“But that means…” she couldn’t finish.
“Director McGee!” a LEO yelled, stopping their conversation.
“Coming!” he yelled, turning to leave, but Abby grabbed his arm.
“Where’s Mac?” she said, and McGee pointed to a figure slumped in a chair. Abby quickly moved to her and sat beside her. “Are you ok honey?”
“No I’m not. This is all my fault”
“They said Gerald survived”
“Barely, he’s on his way to the hospital. They say he might die, I can’t have another death on my conscience Abs, I just can’t”
“Shh” Abby said, putting an arm round her,
“McGee! What the fuck is going on” a man said rushing in. “I saw the body bag is she…”
“No she’s ok”
“Oh thanks god” he sighed, then spotting her he ran. “I thought you’d been killed” he said, almost squeezing the life out of her.
“I’m fine Chris”
“I heard what happened and I rushed here and I saw the body bag and… oh god, who was it?”
“The super?”
“Yup. Apparently he was fixing a pipe”
“I called him ‘cause I couldn’t make it home in time. God damn it”
“I know. Gerald was seriously injured”
“Oh crap. How bad?”
“A round to the neck, hell of a lot of blood loss, crit condition”
“Yeah, I’m gonna go down to the hospital now and get some updates. Abs, could you call his family?”
“Mac, I’ll give you a ride, you’re not in a state for driving”
“Thanks. Will you tell everyone else Abs?”
“Yes. And Mac?”
“Why do you think it is your fault?”
“Have a look in the bedroom” she said, taking Chris’ hand and walking out.

Tony and Gibbs arrived at Mac’s 10 minutes later. Kate was looking after the kids. Tony rushed in the door and ran straight to Abby. “Abby, is Mac ok, did anything happen, I swear if anything happened to her I’ll” he rambled but Abby stopped him.
“She’s fine Tony.” He let out a big sigh and entered the apartment. “Gibbs, you do realise you don’t work at NCIS anymore?”
“Yeah. But this is personal and Tony is gonna let me help”
“Can I go inside now please?”
“Sure” she said, stepping aside and letting him past, before following him in.
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