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“I miss our bickering,” Kate said, giving Tony the look she used to give him before.
“We didn’t bicker,” he objected. “We were venting our sexual frustration the only way we knew how.”
“Well, YOU might have been venting, but I was bickering,” she teased. “We bickered long before I wanted you.”
“I disagree,” he said shaking his head. He smiled a knowing smile. “You wanted me from the moment you laid eyes on me. It’s the DiNozzo charm; it got to you.” Kate rolled her eyes.
“Not exactly,” she admitted. “I wanted you IN SPITE of the DiNozzo charm, and it took a while.” She paused a moment, then continued, “You wanted ME from the moment you and Gibbs first came to Air Force One that day.”
“Yeah, you’re right,” he immediately admitted, making her laugh. “Kate, I don’t want to lose you again,” he said, changing the mood.
“Oh, Tony, please,” Kate said frustrated. “Can’t you just accept my being here as the gift that it is, and be happy for a while?”
“I’ll try,” he said quietly.

“DiNozzo!” Gibbs’ shout interrupted their conversation.
“Yeah, boss?” he asked, rushing back toward his desk.
“What are you doing?” he asked as if he didn’t already know the answer. He turned to address the whole team, “We just got a bizarre tip. Someone is requesting NCIS check out a routine carjacking down on Fourth Street. The caller claims there’s a marine in the trunk of the vehicle, but refuses to state how he knows. DiNozzo, put out a BOLO on the vehicle; a 2003 black Lexus, we have a partial plate – last two letters ‘C P’. I have Abby trying to see what she can track down about the caller. McGee, see if you can get either traffic or satellite images of the actual carjacking. Maggie; Noah; Ziva; grab your gear. Let’s go,” he said stepping onto the elevator. “DiNozzo, you better have something when I get back!” he shouted as the doors closed.

Tires squealed as Gibbs pulled up at the scene. “Noah; interview witnesses. Ziva; photographs –be sure and get the tracks. Maggie, come with me,” he ordered, making his way to the police officer that appeared to be in charge of the investigation.
“NCIS,” Gibbs said, flashing his badge.
“NCIS?” the man questioned. “A local thug jacked a car from a local business owner. What does that have to do with NCIS?”
“I’m Special Agent Gibbs; this is Agent Sullivan,” Gibbs said politely. “We have reason to believe there may have been a marine in the trunk of the stolen vehicle.”
“I’m Lieutenant Harold Wheeler, or should I say Lance Corporal Harold Wheeler, United States Marine Corps,” he said as he saluted.
“You’re a marine?” Gibbs said approvingly.
“Formerly, sir,” he responded.
“There is no such thing, Wheeler,” Gibbs smiled. “I don’t want to step on your toes, Lieutenant, but I’m going to need to take the lead on this investigation. If we do have a marine missing, injured or murdered, I can’t…”
“Not a problem, sir,” Lt. Wheeler interrupted. “I’d be honored to have NCIS take over. We’ll cooperate as much as we can, and try to stay out of the way.”
“Excellent,” Gibbs said, patting the guy on the back. He turned to Maggie, “See if you can get any further information from the police.” He walked away, examining the scene.
“Hey, Boss,” Noah said, approaching Gibbs. “The thief was a young, African-American by the name of Tyrone Winters. He’s kind of well-known in the area for being up to no good. None of the witnesses know anything at all about a marine in the trunk. No, I didn’t ask that point blank, but I know they are telling me everything they know. The police released the owner of the vehicle, a Carl Wooldridge, so I didn’t get to speak with him. I called Tony and he is attempting to track him down. We’ve called Mr. Wooldridge’s office, but he hasn’t returned to work. DiNozzo is on his way over there right now.”
“Maggie!” Gibbs shouted. She quickly concluded her conversation and made her way to him.
“Yes, sir?” she asked.
“What did you find out about Mr. Wooldridge?”
“He reported the vehicle stolen outside his place of business earlier this morning. Tyrone Winters carjacked the car from the person who stole it,” she said with a shrug.
“Diamond!” Gibbs shouted. “What did the witnesses say about the driver of the vehicle when it was stolen?”
“He was Caucasian, of average height and build, wearing a black hooded sweatshirt and jeans. He parked outside the convenient store for a few moments. When he came back out, Mr. Winters was in the process of stealing the car. He tried to intervene, but was knocked down. By the time the police arrived, he had fled the scene.”
“Twenty bucks says he’s our anonymous tipper,” Gibbs speculated.
“Possibly,” Ziva said. “But why would the guy want the marine to be found by NCIS?”
“Maybe he didn’t want to actually hurt the guy?” Noah suggested.
“Or maybe he’s trying to get our attention,” Maggie said ominously.

“Jaime,” Maggie said into the phone. “I’m not going to make it this evening. We’ve got a case. It’ll probably be a late one. Make yourselves at home and don’t wait up,” she said, trying to get back off the line quickly.
“Maggie,” Jaime finally was able to break in. “There’s another reason we’re here,” he explained. “It’s about Lenny. He resurfaced,” he began.
“Oh God,” Maggie said, sinking back into her seat.
“He’s gone loose cannon,” he continued. “Molly’s dead,” he said softly. “As is Darcy,” he continued. Tears streamed down Maggie’s cheeks as she listened, not making a sound.
“Did you kill him?” she asked, quiet fury in her voice.
“Not yet,” he responded, his voice determined.
“So you didn’t tell me at lunch because…?” Maggie began to question.
“We thought we would be able to tell you tonight, when you didn’t have to go back in to work. Look,” he said, “we want you to take a few weeks off. Morgan and I will…”
“No!” Maggie interrupted. “I refuse to put my life on hold because…”
“Maggie, you know he’ll come after you…”
“Let him come,” Maggie said, her voice flat and defiant. “I’d like to have a little conversation with him.”
“Maggie, there’s more,” Jaime said. She could hear the hesitancy in his voice.
“What is it?” she asked softly.
“He’s not using his wolf anymore,” he began. Maggie crinkled her brow in confusion. “Someone’s made him,” he said so quietly that a normal person couldn’t have hear him.
“What?!” Maggie said into the phone. “Who would do that? There are standards and rules – reasons we do the things we do,” Maggie ranted. “I gotta go, thanks Jaime.” She disconnected and stormed over to Noah. “We need to talk,” she said, grabbing him by the arm. “Gibbs, can you join us?” she requested, without giving him much of a chance to decline. They got into the elevator, started heading down and Maggie hit the stop button.
“What’s up with everyone using my conference room,” Gibbs quipped.
“This is serious,” Maggie said. “It’s not related to a case, but I need some answers from Noah, need to get him working on something and I wanted to give you both a heads up.”
“Okay…” Noah said. “Maggie, if…” She interrupted him.
“We have a loose cannon,” she explained to Noah. “But he’s not using his wolf. Someone made him, Noah. I need to know if you know anything about this, or if you know who might do something like that. I have to…”
“Maggie, slow down,” Noah said. “You’re serious?” he queried. “Someone actually made a werewolf?” Seeing the truth in her face, his expression hardened. “I can personally guarantee this wasn’t one of my people. And I vow to get to the bottom of this. Whichever master has done this will be executed at my hand,” he promised.
“Wait,” Gibbs interjected. “Are you saying someone turned a werewolf into a vampire?”
“Exactly,” Noah confirmed.
“There’s more,” Maggie added. “I know the guy. We have a sort of history. His mother was a pupil of mine when I still lived in Ireland. She went away to University and was gang-raped by a bunch of thugs. When it was discovered that she was pregnant, she didn’t want the baby. But, of course, the family insisted on her birthing and rearing the child. His name is Lenny. He’s always been different. We had hoped not to have to kill him, even when it was apparent he had a penchant for hurting people. We taught him control, but you can’t teach someone to have a conscience,” she swallowed. “He became obsessed with me. When I rebuffed his advances, he tried to rape me. He has attacked me four times. Each time he has assaulted me, I’ve defeated him and he’s been punished by our people. He dropped off our radar about five years ago. Apparently he has recently resurfaced. He has already murdered his own mother, Molly, and my best friend, Darcy. Jaime and Morgan are fairly certain that his entire game has me at its center, and they’re probably right. They want me to go into hiding, but I have refused.” She made eye contact with each of them. “It is very important, Noah, that we find out which master made him and stop him. Also, I’m the first to admit I’m pretty tough, but I could probably use a little extra protection right now,” she admitted.
“You’re asking for help?” Gibbs asked, shocked. She giggled.
“Yeah, I am,” she said. “This is bigger than me. Bigger than all of us. I know we have a case right now, and I’m…”
“Don’t worry about it,” Gibbs interrupted. “But until we catch this guy, you aren’t to leave my side. Noah, get out of here and check with your people. Let us know something as soon as you can.” He restarted the elevator and shook his head. “You’ll be fine,” he said, rubbing her shoulder. ‘No one is going to hurt you,’ he thought. ‘Not on my watch.’
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