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Carly stepped off the elevator and walked toward the lab. The lights were out, no music was playing and by the time she walked through the doors she knew. Something was wrong with Abby. She wouldn't just be late without phoning Carly and letting her know. Turning on her heel, she quickly walked back the elevators and rode up to ask Tony what was going on.

"Abby, when you get this message, call me." Tony was saying to Abby's voice mail. "I just want to make sure you're alright."

Carly's stomach sank. It was worse than she thought. Jet wasn't at his desk, so Carly walked over and searched for the status of a prisoner. Jethro walked down the stairs from MTAC and Tony intercepted him. "I can't get ahold of Abby. I'm going to her apartment to see if she's ok."

"She won't be there." Carly said and stood as everyone looked at her.

Tony half-smiled. "And how do you know that?"

"Look, there's something I have to tell Gibbs but I think Abby's missing." When she just got strange looks from everyone, she added, "I'm pretty sure of it actually."

Jethro didn't look like he liked the sound of what she was saying. Ziva asked, "Is this a Gibbs' gut thing?"

He cut Ziva a look and Carly shook her head. "No, it's not."

The phone rang before she could explain anymore. It was Tony's line. He snatched it up quickly. "Abby, thank god! Carly has been trying to freak us out..." His face paled and he pressed the button to put the caller on speaker phone.

An electronically altered voice came over the speaker. "I bet Carly's been freaking you out. She's probably telling you about now that Abby is missing, right?" The voice laughed. "Carly...you're being awfully quiet. Don't tell me they don't know yet."

"Know what?" Tony demanded.

"Tsk, tsk, Carly, you've been naughty. How long have you worked there?" the voice asked.

"What does that have to do with Abby being missing?" Ziva asked, her face saying that she would like to rip the voice in half.

"Carly, don't you think you should tell them?" the voice waited for a response. "No? I can tell them if you'd like. I can definitely out-wait you but Abby doesn't have that much time now. Look at your clock." Laughter was heard once more as everyone looked at their watches. "I give her four hours at the most. And trust me, I know what I'm talking about."

Gibbs walked over to Carly, all business. "What does he want you to tell us?"

"I don't know how he knows..." she began, looking at him, anguished over Abby's situation.

"Oh yes you do Carly. If you believe in yourself then you have to believe in others. It’s the creed I think."

Gibbs took her arms in his hands and shook her. "What is he talking about?"

"I'm clairvoyant!" Carly shouted and the voice laughed.

"Atta girl Carly. You explain what that means and I'll be in touch." All that could be heard was the sound of the phone beeping, signaling the caller had disconnected.

McGee was the first to speak. "Got the call boss. It's from a pay phone."

"Where McGee?" Gibbs demanded, still holding Carly by one arm.

"Two miles from here boss."

"Ziva, go with McGee. Process the phone." Gibbs barked and turned away pulling Carly with him.

"Where are you going Gibbs?" Tony asked, wanting to ask Carly some questions of his own.

"Interrogation." was all Gibbs would say. The look of shock on Carly's face jolted everyone into action. Ziva and Tim rushed to the elevator while Tony followed to enter the observation room. He knew Gibbs wouldn't need his help on this.
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