Rated: PG
Categories: Gen, Mixed Up Characters: Ziva David, Leroy Jethro Gibbs, Anthony DiNozzo, Abby Sciuto
Genre: Alternate Universe, Pre-slash, Drabble/Ficlet/Vignette, Challenge
Pairing: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 7 Completed: No
Word count: 1117 Read: 13014
Published: 08/18/2008 Updated: 08/18/2008
1. Twisting the Fandoms by Polgara [Reviews - 0] (0 words)
A collection of unrelated drabbles written for Twisting the Hellmouth Drabble Community on LJ. All of these are crossed with Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and may include any of the characters from that show.
2. It's Only Eleven by Polgara [Reviews - 0] (0 words)
Wordcount: 100
Challenge: #41 Coffee
Summary: Buffy notices something unusual about Gibbs.
3. Meaning by Polgara [Reviews - 0] (0 words)
Wordcount: 100
Challenge: #75 Small Favor
Summary: Tony visits a grave with Gibbs.
4. Much Better by Polgara [Reviews - 0] (0 words)
Wordcount: 100
Challenge: #40 - Towels
Summary: Buffy admires the view.
5. Something Right by Polgara [Reviews - 0] (0 words)
Wordcount: 200
Challenge: #73 Favorite Things
Summary: Gibbs tries to fix things.
6. The Right Gift by Polgara [Reviews - 0] (0 words)
Wordcount: 200
Challenge: #74 Lost and Found
Summary: Buffy receives a present.
7. Too Old by Polgara [Reviews - 0] (0 words)
Wordcount: 200
Challenge: #55 - Music
Summary: Dawn and Abby commiserate together.