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Story Notes:
None of these drabbles are related. Some may contain hints of slash, but nothing overt
Author's Chapter Notes:
A collection of unrelated drabbles written for Twisting the Hellmouth Drabble Community on LJ. All of these are crossed with Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and may include any of the characters from that show.
Title: Cookies
Wordcount: 200
Challenge: #31 Fortune Cookie Fortunes
Rating: PG
Summary: Tony probes everyone’s fortune cookies.

Tony let out a throaty chuckle. “All right! This is definitely mine " Everything will now come your way,” he said triumphantly, holding up the slip of paper from his fortune cookie.

Ziva tossed a paper wad at his head. “Oh, look, it is correct.”

“Very funny, Zee-vah. What’s yours say?”

She rolled her eyes, but cracked open the cookie anyway. “You may attend a party where strange customs prevail.” A smirk crossed her lips. “That would be any time around Tony.”

Tony glared at Buffy as she laughed. “Oh yeah? What’s in your cookie?”

Buffy stuck her chopsticks into her carton before setting it on the edge of Tony’s desk. She made quick work of her cookie and frowned at the message. Her right hand crumpled it up while her left reached for her carton, only to have it snatched from her fingers. “Hey!” She protested.

“What’d it say?” Tony asked, holding the carton away from her.

“It was stupid, now give it back.” She reached across him, but failed.

“Then you won’t mind sharing.”

Buffy realized that protesting any further would draw attention to how upsetting the fortune really was. “Trust your intuition. The universe is guiding your life.”
Chapter End Notes:
None of these drabbles are related. Some may contain hints of slash, but nothing overt
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