Summary: What if Anthony DiNozzo was born Antoinette DiNozzo? Toni was fired from NCIS by the new director, Leon Vance. Jenny Shephard had retired, but was blackmailing the new NCIS director. What happens when the others find out that Toni isn't what she really seems to be? Crossover with Charmed and CSI: Las Vegas
Rated: NC-17
Categories: Other Slash Pairings, Other Het Pairings Characters: Abby Sciuto, Anthony DiNozzo, Donald Mallard, Jenny Shephard, Jimmy Palmer, Leroy Jethro Gibbs, Original character, Timothy McGee, Ziva David
Genre: Alternate Universe, Angst, Crossover, Romance
Pairing: Gibbs/DiNozzo, Abby/OMC, McGee/OMC, Other Pairing
Warnings: Dark story, Disturbing imaginery, Horror, Mpreg, Non-con, Torture, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Completed: No
Word count: 6739 Read: 7896
Published: 04/26/2010 Updated: 04/27/2010
1. Saving Toni by TibbsFangiri89 [Reviews - 0] (0 words)
What if Anthony DiNozzo was born Antoinette DiNozzo? Toni was fired from NCIS by the new director, Leon Vance. Jenny Shephard had retired, but was blackmailing the new NCIS director. What happens when the others find out that Toni isn't what she really seems to be? Crossover with Charmed and Criminal Minds.
2. Waking Up by TibbsFangiri89 [Reviews - 0] (0 words)
Toni finds herself in a dangerous situation with a madman. Will her new team and boyfriend save her? Will her daughter be alright?