Summary: Jethro is turning his ‘Big fifth O!’. He isn't happy about it, but what will he says to the presents Tony has to him?
Rated: PG
Categories: Gibbs/DiNozzo Characters: None
Genre: Established relationship, Romance
Pairing: Gibbs/DiNozzo, Kate/Abby, McGee/OMC
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Word count: 2724 Read: 8482
Published: 03/12/2007 Updated: 12/20/2005
Story Notes:
Author’s Note 1: I have made the difference in age between Tony and Jethro 15 years. Just so you know :-)
Author’s Note 2: This is quite short and written mostly in the back of a car and in the middle of the night. I was pressed for time because of school, Christmas preparations etc. But I promised NavyVet a birthday fic and I always keep my promises :-)
Author’s Note 3: This fic takes place in the summer on a Friday night and a Saturday.
Beta: Only by me which probably means a lot of errors. Sorry about that.
Dedicated to: NavyVet, who is turning her ‘Big fifth O!’ today, and everyone else who’s turning their ‘big fifth O!’. Happy birthday!
Thanks to: all the wonderful people at Lonetreecp_Writers who helped me figure out how old Gibbs is.
Author’s Note 2: This is quite short and written mostly in the back of a car and in the middle of the night. I was pressed for time because of school, Christmas preparations etc. But I promised NavyVet a birthday fic and I always keep my promises :-)
Author’s Note 3: This fic takes place in the summer on a Friday night and a Saturday.
Beta: Only by me which probably means a lot of errors. Sorry about that.
Dedicated to: NavyVet, who is turning her ‘Big fifth O!’ today, and everyone else who’s turning their ‘big fifth O!’. Happy birthday!
Thanks to: all the wonderful people at Lonetreecp_Writers who helped me figure out how old Gibbs is.
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Jethro is turning his ‘Big fifth O!’. He isn't happy about it, but what will he says to the presents Tony has to him?